Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#4, #30

Woo! How exciting.

#4: Cut my credit card spending to be just about $300 a month.

Firstly, Jim did NOT think I could do it (still doesn't, I'm sure), but I talked with my friend Collin about how he was doing some personal finance stuff. He took a class with Dave Ramsey and really pushed the ever-famous cash-envelope system. I've never tried this before thinking it just wasn't worth it, that it'd never work for me, blah blah. BUT! I finally decided I had to try something because this wasn't working so far. I declare, SUCCESS! 


Boo. Ya.

I'm shocked I even did it. I think I also told myself more strictly, "No, you do NOT need to go to China Express. Nope, don't do it!" and I actually listened to myself. I also walked around Target several times without buying a ton of stuff. 

Now I just have to make sure this keeps up not just for one month but for other months also. This can't just be a short term change. Especially because I'm working less this semester and may not be employed this summer after Ireland (sob).

#30: Read the news more often

So thanks to Mama and Papa Carrot I downloaded the MSNBC news app and in my downtime have been reading up on the news. It's surprising how much more clued into everything when I'm informed! I kinda like it. 

Currently my favorite categories are Tech & Science, Business, Top Stories, Health and Travel. I don't really get into sports and politics, shockingly. How else would I have discovered the depression rates of new moms and the gorilla that can walk on two legs??


1 comment:

  1. Ridiculously proud of you for curbing your spending, especially because you made the change in a BIG way, rather than just making it below the 300$ mark- a huge accomplishment. Kudos, Jess!

    :) Your fav news sections are literally the exact same as mine AND in the same order.. only, I always check the Am Embassy in Korean before I read any other news. That'll change when I am home, obviously, so I am sticking to my claim that we are identical. <3

    miss you.
