Sunday, July 17, 2011

[Backstreet's Back.]

44. Oxynate
19. Backstreet Boys concert

Turns out Oxynate is long overdue-- Andrew and I went to Oxynate as our anniversary relaxation and it was an interesting experience! It is basically sitting on massage chairs for your entire body with a nose-piece in your nostrils. Then you can mute or adjust levels of certain flavors/scents as it blows into your nose- it was a little startling at first but if I just turned down the air pressure it was really nice.

We got to do another one at the oxygen bar with a short shoulder massage and energy boost. Glad I tried it once but I'm not sure I'll do it again!

19. Talk about a dream come true. I have loved the Backstreet Boys since I was in middle school, and I couldn't believe I would ever get to see them perform. Kess bought tickets in January and I was THRILLED. We're not going to talk about how much the tickets cost but it was worth every penny.

I went with some of my coworkers and I had a blast seeing us all freak out over the same thing! Once the lights went down we all jumped and held each other's hands--

The Boys were amazing- being able to dance and sing to every song was thrilling; honestly Beyonce was better but this fulfilled so many of my childhood dreams. :) They all looked so good and I even enjoyed the New Kids on the Block portions!

Check that off the list!

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